Best Papers – Prize Winners

During the EURO Mini-Conference Graz-2013 on “Collaborative Decision Systems in Economics and in Complex Societal and Environmental Applications”, the following licenses of Simulation and DSS-area-related software packages were sorted among the participants as prizes for best presented papers:

It is our pleasure to announce below the Best Papers Prize Winners among all presented contributions of the Conference Streams.


Prize 1

Prize 2

Prize 3

Prize 4

Prize 5

Prize 6

We congratulate them all and hope that they will use their software package prizes for further developments in their research work. Congratulations!

The Mini-Conference Organizers.

About ewgdss

The EWG-DSS is a Working Group on Decision Support Systems within EURO, the Association of the European Operational Research Societies. The main purpose of the EWG-DSS is to establish a platform for encouraging state-of-the-art high quality research and collaboration work within the DSS community. Other aims of the EWG-DSS are to: - Encourage the exchange of information among practitioners, end-users, and researchers in the area of Decision Systems. - Enforce the networking among the DSS communities available and facilitate activities that are essential for the start-up of international cooperation research and projects. - Facilitate professional academic and industrial opportunities for its members. - Favour the development of innovative models, methods and tools in the field Decision Support and related areas. - Actively promote the interest on Decision Systems in the scientific community by organizing dedicated workshops, seminars, mini-conferences and conference streams in major conferences, as well as editing special and contributed issues in relevant scientific journals.
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